ramblings of my mind

Thursday, January 08, 2004

time of transitions

This past Sunday, p. dan had us turn to our neighbor, and say something to the effect of "with God's help, 2004 is going to be the best year ever!" Without really thinking about it, I turned to my neighbor and repeated the phrase. Thinking about it now, this is definitely a year of transition for me... and with God's help, I really do want to make this a good year. Maybe the changes happening soon will energize me more, because it doesn't quite feel like a new year to met yet. Some things going on:

Alinna and I have been busy packing our lives into boxes to make our move to the duplex this weekend. We've made two trips already, with hopefully the final trip this weekend - on Saturday moving the rest of the little stuff ourselves, and on Sunday, having the movers move our big furniture. That'll effectively end the Central Park era for us, and will begin a new chapter, adding bops as our third roommate.

The new year begins my 2-year stint as a deaconess, this year being fellowship deaconess. As I transition out of our young adult fellowship core group, and transition into this new role, there is a lot to think and pray about. My head is still floating with bits and pieces, mainly because of everything else happening right now. Plus I haven't met with the previous person serving in this position, so I don't quite know what's going on.

As if there wasn't enough going on, I will also eventually (within the next few months) be transitioning to a new job position as well. There will be a lot of new things to learn, but at least I'll finally have a change of pace. I'm getting bored of the work I'm doing now.

Along with these changes, some of my goals for this year are:
*be in bed by 11pm, and get up by 7am (i've already failed miserably at the "be in bed by 11pm" part, although i've been a little more successful about the "get up by 7am" portion.) This is not only just for discipline purposes (since I seem to lack all sorts of discipline) but also so that I can really spend quality time in the morning reading, praying, doing QTs and more.
*take a vacation! (i took two days of PTO last year - January 2 and January 3, to go skiing! I haven't taken a PTO in more than a YEAR.)
*read more books - i have a list somewhere, but it's probably packed away.
*get more rest - that means try not to book out my weekends as much. As I say this, I already have things planned for almost every weekend until the second weekend of march. oy vay. I'm definitely going to be more purposeful in picking the things/events/conferences/etc I attend this year.

There are some others, but I either can't think of them right now, or I don't care to share them here.

So those are the bigger things going on right now - it's definitely hectic (it's also quarter-end at work), hence my lack of blogs. If you want a very brief recap of my New Years holiday, let's just say there was a lot of texas hold 'em, packing and moving (not only myself, but maria and george as well), and lots of meals with friends. alex's fob birthday was definitely entertaining. All these pics will be uploaded later, since everything is packed in a box somewhere.

So begins 2004. Let's make it a good one! :)


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