I came home from a long day at work today... to an empty house... well... almost empty. Except for the fact that the freaking largest spider I have ever seen in my life was there to greet me!! Seriously, words cannot even do justice. I took a picture of it - I actually made the effort to upload this one picture to prove I'm not exaggerating (and no, I didn't upload the rest of my pics). The thing was too big to even suck it with our vacuum cleaner! So I left it alone for a few minutes, only to go back into our kitchen and find it missing from its spot! From that point on I locked myself in my room, until jenie came home, and we started searching for the thing - jenie poking around at arm's length with a broomstick, and me armed with the vacuum again to try to at least squish it in case it scampered around near us. Seriously, put yourself in my spot - what would you do if this freaky huge spider was roaming loose in your house? But, praise the Lord, we found it in between our screen door and sliding glass door, so we just opened the sliding door and closed the screen door and I think the thing scampered away to its freedom. Seriously, it could have been anywhere in our house, but it decided to crawl into the space between the two doors. Thank You, God.
And Andrew Hyun, you don't help things by laughing endlessly at my demise, telling me it'll crawl onto my face while i'm sleeping, or suggesting that we saw the baby and there's a bigger daddy in our house somewhere. I'm going to capture the thing and put it in your hair when you're not looking!
And now, for your viewing pleasure, the star of this post, FREAKYSPIDER! Props to anyone who can identify what kind of spider decided to bless us with its presence tonight.
Thanks to Andrea for hosting my pic :)
And Andrew Hyun, you don't help things by laughing endlessly at my demise, telling me it'll crawl onto my face while i'm sleeping, or suggesting that we saw the baby and there's a bigger daddy in our house somewhere. I'm going to capture the thing and put it in your hair when you're not looking!
And now, for your viewing pleasure, the star of this post, FREAKYSPIDER! Props to anyone who can identify what kind of spider decided to bless us with its presence tonight.

Thanks to Andrea for hosting my pic :)
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