ramblings of my mind

Tuesday, October 05, 2004

couple of things:

- it's been a while since I've experienced an extended power outage. Thanks to some private construction crew, the entire city of Cupertino experienced it for more than 12 hours on Friday. Who knew one little construction crew from some random company could shut down an entire city for that long? That's a little scary. driving around at night was pretty dangerous since stoplights were completley out (not even blinking) so a lot of cars couldn't tell where there were intersections and drove right through them. but we're safe, we threw away the nastiness in our freezer and fridge that we deemed potentially life-killing (seriously amazing what a freezer smells like after 12 hours of no electricty), and got to use the 100 candles that we have been given as gifts over our lifespan.

- what about them bears? 3 weeks off scared me a little bit, and considering oregon state has had our number for the last 5 years, i was a little nervous. But dang, did you people see the first 3 minutes of the game? wow. this is definitely one exciting team to watch... can't wait for this saturday. Sure to be a great matchup! can't believe ABC regionalized the darn game, it's one of the best matchups of the day. Sorry eric and all you people who chose to leave California for who knows why.

- yesterday, somehow, our brilliant IT dept managed to delete microsoft office off every person's computer on our floor. no joke. i was sitting in front of my computer, working, when a popup window appeared, and after about 10 minutes, microsoft office disappeared. it was eventually reinstalled on everyone's computer, but i lost all my settings, all the macros i had recorded in excel, any personalization I had done in any microsoft office program. GRRR. it had to be our floor that they decided to run an experiement on first.

okay that's it. just chugging along at work as best i can until the weekend. cheer on the bears this saturday!


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