ramblings of my mind

Monday, August 22, 2005

it's story time again!

there once was a girl named karen, who suffered from eczema (skin allergies/rashes). one summer, her eczema was especially bad, and would never seem to go away - so periodically at night, before she went to bed, she'd take some atarax, which helps her not scratch at the rashes while sleeping. she can only take it at night becuase the medicine knocks her out completely.

so one night, her itching was especially bad, so she decided to take some atarax, even though it was already past midnight and she knew she'd have to get up early the next morning. so in went the atarax, and off to sleep she went. the next morning, she had set her alarm for 7:30 am, but since she was so drowsy from the medicine, she must have turned off the alarm while sleeping. the next thing she knew, it was 8:35 in the morning. she gasped and jumped out of bed, since she knew she had a dermatologist appointment on Monday at 8:40 am. this was her chance to see the doctor to fix the rashes and itchiness that has been plaguing her for so long! she was afraid that she'd miss the appointment and then wouldn't be able to get another one for another week. so around the house she ran, taking a one-minute shower, and desperately trying to call the dr.'s office to tell them she'd be late, and to make sure they could still see her. she couldn't get through at the doctor's, so she just grabbed her laptop & backpack for work, hopped into her car and took off.

when she almost had reached the doctor's office, she gets a call from her friend george. she then proceeded to have the most confusing conversation ever*.

george: are you on your way already?
karen: (confused, why is george asking me if i'm already on my way to the doctor's on a monday morning? how'd he know i'd be late?) uhhh... yeah.
george: okay, then never mind.
karen: (still perplexed, had to ask more questions). uh... why are you asking?
george: because you're late.
karen: late to what? (still utterly confused at why george is calling her at 9am on a Monday morning).
george: to worship practice.
karen: (now thinking to herself maybe the retreat worship team set up practice at 9am on Monday, and george didn't realize that she isn't on the team for the retreat): why would I go to worship practice?
george: (now utterly confused at the conversation as well): uhhh because. remember. we practiced yesterday afternoon. now it's sunday morning. we have service in 15 minutes.
karen: (totally totally confused) it's not sunday, it's monday!
george: (totally totally confused) what are you talking about? it's sunday!
karen: (light dings above her head) oh CRAP! it's SUNDAY! i thought it was MONDAY! i'm almost at my doctor's office! (speeds off to church)

moral of the story: never take atarax past midnight. you lose a day of your life apparently. sure, i've woken up in the past and have gotten confused on what day it was, but never this badly - to the point where i got up and drove to the wrong place.

*note the conversation with george has been truncated, and since karen apparently was still in a daze, is the best she can remember to her knowledge. the actual conversation took probably 5 minutes or more, with a really really confused karen asking george lots of questions. she shortened the conversation for your benefit.

**btw, i did make it to my appointment this morning, and on time. talking about getting poked by needles so much over the past three months, i got poked again this morning. the doctor gave me a shot of cortizone and a new prescription for stronger cream. hope it works.


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