ramblings of my mind

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

weekend adventures

weekend full of spending time with the girls. always fun. and always lots of food. :)

fri night, ate at fusion korea with alice & tomio. alice has a tummy! she's going to be a mommy. weird. went to tanto saturday night with o jean & jenie. YUM. i cannot get enough of that place. actually, we tried to eat at a different japanese restaurant called gochi, that serves japanese tapas, and is super close to my place (within walking distance). apparently very popular, and had a 40 minute wait (we even ran into a high school friend there), so we decided to go to tanto instead. but i definitely want to try this other place sometime soon. didn't quite make it to santana row since we finished dinner pretty late, so we went back home and ate mint chocolate cookie for dessert instead while watching episode 3 for the first time. double yum. my new favorite ben & jerry's ice cream.

sunday, being the bad members that we are, o, jean and i skipped sunday school since jean was leaving on sunday to go back to LA. we couldn't decide between in'n'out or mi pueblo for lunch, but eventually decided to go for the mexican. tacos in a park with the girls. what more can you ask for :) crafted our way through the afternoon before i took off for cell group at janet & john's, where, thanks to gourment chef john, we ate an indian feast, all prepared by him by taste. listened to tim keller's third of three series on "work" and discovered that he really likes to use the same analogies. REM sleep and Chariots of Fire. our cell group determined that apparently God really wants us to watch Chariots of Fire since that's all we've been hearing about for the past three weeks. so we're going to do it :)

o and i tried to join 24 hour yesterday. besides running into ang, we got a jerk for a salesman who tried to hook us up with a "deal" which ended up not being a deal, but their regular advertised special. refused to budge or negotiate with us, so we walked out. we'll go back today, ask for someone NOT named jon, and give this other person our commission instead.

alinna is moving out next weekend... i can't believe it's so soon. it's totally weird to me since she's been my longest roommate ever, and we've lived together most of our post-college years. there are so many memories, from when she punched me in the face and gave me a bloody nose the first week we moved in together, to getting a workout trying to clean and scrub the plastic "tiles" in our bathroom at central park, to christmas-gift factories, to playing chucky-chucky when we moved from central park to the duplex, going through the highs and lows of life, watching the drama of my roommate and old college friend hooking it up and now getting married, playing scrabble every night like old ladies... and so much more. and now our house is full of boxes as we begin the painful "divorce" which it really feels like since al, jenie and i have to figure out what belongs to who. ("who's ever after is this?" "mine" "no i have a copy too" "wait me too" "well, who's copy is THIS one?" blank stares.)

three cheers for al. at least she's just moving a block up and over. come over for laundry anytime. and feel free to cook for us while you're at it :)


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