ramblings of my mind

Friday, May 20, 2005

for those who haven't figured it out yet... my O sO exceptiOnal cOmrade, cOmpaniOn, and Of cOurse, sidekick is the One engaged. gOt it? gOOd.

today is the last day of my PTO. i'm thankfully working from home next week becuase there is no way ever i would be able to go into work next week. just sitting up if i'm lying down, standing up if i'm sitting, or sitting if i'm standing really hurts. i think it's the blood rushing to my leg or something. and any time i try to use any of the muslces in my leg, it hurts like mad. i'm going to the doctor today so hopefully he'll be able to remove this ridiculously large dressing from my knee. it itches so bad. and then maybe i can take a shower so i can stop washing my hair in the kitchen sink and toweling myself to clean myself.

i've found random bruises all over myself, dunno how i got all of them. i have some dark bruises from the IV needle. for all my past surgeries, the doctor has had to put the IV needle in my hand (yes, it hurts like crazy! that iv needle is HUGE) because they have trouble seeing my veins in my arm. this anesthesiologist, however, insisted on sticking it in my arm. thank God he used a numbing needle in conjunction with the IV needle. he stuck the numbing needle in, and then poked in the IV needle (i could still feel the IV needle going in, but nothing compared to if the numbing needle wasn't there). he was like "hm that didn't work" took out the IV and poked it again. he proceeded to do this another time, and yet another time. he was like hm, i'm going to move the numbing needle. so he poked me again with the numbing needle, and then poked me a fourth time with the IV. still didn't work. he poked me SIX times with the IV before finally finding my vein!

anyway, anyone know how to get that yellow sticky iodine stuff off your body? i can't take a shower yet, but i've already tried using a washcloth and soap. then i resorted to rubbing the area really hard with the washcloth, and then just my hands & fingers, but it still won't all come off. talk about stubborn substance. any pointers would be appreciated.

what have i been doing all these days? tuesday i pretty much slept the whole day (jenny & andy also came by to visit and bring by donuts. thanks!) wednesday i was in and out of consciousness since i didn't get any sleep the night before. joy & andrea also came over to play and distract me from the really bad pain in my knee (thanks!). i also watched one and a half episodes of 24 (several people asked me "how did you watch ONLY ONE episode?" the truth of the matter is i fell asleep after that. hahaha) yesterday, though, i, um, watched... i don't know if you people really want to know. let's say i'm more than halfway done with the season now. ahem. yeah. and maria even came to visit for most of the night and i didn't watch any episodes with her. those episodes aren't a full hour each!

okay time to watch more 24. bye! i was planning on uploading pics from like amy & mike's wedding, etc. i'll get to it sometime.


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