ramblings of my mind

Monday, May 09, 2005

had a whirldwind of a weekend - if you don't want to read the paragraph below, skip to the next. :)

friday night, even though i was pretty certain i didn't want to go to the city with a bunch of folks, alex managed to convince me at the very last moment to go. we ate at this small, but very good dungeness crab restaurant. YUM. it was kind of pricey, but the food was so good. sat had worship practice at 8:30 (i know, ouch) and then headed to byria's for their housewarming brunch. ate a lot of food. ran some errands in the afternoon then went back to byria's where the girls went shopping (errand shopping) for way too long. went back to byria's where we ate all the brunch leftovers. yesterday a bunch of us headed up to pacbell park to watch the giants play the nationals. although the weather was cloudy, it was fine all the way up to the 7th innning, when, during the strecth, the sky really let loose and it started pouring. the game was rain delayed for about 1/2 hour when the umpire finally decided it was good enough to play again. after that it just started getting miserable, because although we got better seats since a lot of fans left during the pourdown, the game wouldn't end. not after the 9th, 10th, 11th, or 12th inning. by the 13th, i just wanted the game to end, i didn't even care who scored. luckily the giants won at the bottom of the 13th :)

if you didn't want to read all that, to sum it all up, i basically ate the entire weekend. i feel gross from eating out so much. blech. this is to make up for the fact that i probably won't be eating much, if anything on tuesday. (can't eat before the surgery, and i probably won't want to eat after the surgery in fear of throwing it all up).

i'm going under the knife tomorrow! pray for me! found out surgery is in the afternoon :( that means no water or food from midnight tonight until my sugery tomorrow. boo. :(


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