ramblings of my mind

Monday, July 18, 2005

holy cow!

i told some people how i was confused about why my surgery was so cheap... i had only seen a charge of a little over $5k plus $1k for the anesthesia. i thought to myself that it seemed awfully cheap, especially since i used a cadaver which is supposed to be a lot more expensive than using my own graft. but insurance covers 100% so i didn't think much about it.

until... today. when i got another envelope from my insurance.

and then... BAM! a whopping additional $30k charged to my insurance! eegads! that's $36k for my outpatient surgery, $2k for my first MRI, $2k for the MRI i just got done today, $205 x all my doctor visits (4 pre-op and so far 4 post-op and still climbing), $200/session for PT x 20 sessions, (i actually need more than 20 sessions - my pt clinic said they'd try to ask my insurance for an extension, but i doubt i'll get it since my coworker was denied it. so i'm going to have start paying out of my pocket $200/visit... and i go twice a week. ouch.) not to mention the fact that i'll probably need another scope done (i can only guess how much that'd cost. another $10k at least??)... the numbers are swimming in my head. all i can say is...PRAISE THE LORD FOR HEALTH INSURANCE! especially ones that cover in full. that $20 i pay per pay period doesn't seem so bad anymore. having a messed up knee that doesn't heal properly sure costs a lot. actually, having a messed up knee that does heal properly also costs a lot. but one that doesn't heal properly costs a lot more.


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