goal 1: start driving
status: completed
goal 2: don't cry during PT
status: not even close
goal 3: be able to bend my knee 90 degrees
status: almost there. they measured me at 86 degrees yesterday, but that's only after the pt pushed me to my extreme limit. my knee is so sore today, i've probably digressed.
goal 4: have full range of motion in my knee
status: not even close. the pt said i have full extension but my muscles aren't strong enough for me to actually extend it on my own. when i try to do it myself, i'm at 10 degrees. bending it... well, i'm working on it (see goal 3).
goal 5: get my right knee down to the same size as my left knee
status: i don't really know what to do with this one. knee is still swollen, but i've been icing it everyday.
goal 6: be able to lift my leg on its own (ie don't use hands or hook my left leg underneath the right to lift it up)
status: yesterday i was at least able to do straight leg raises, although i couldn't lift it high or hold it long. today my knee and muscles are SO sore, i can't do it anymore.
goal 7: have complete, rehabbed knee
status: heh. ask me in a year.
goal 8: convince olivia's dad to get her this as a graduation present as a surprise when she gets back from mozambique/baltimore so that i can play with it all the time
status: im'd with her dad and he said "ok" but i have a feeling he's not taking me too seriously...
status: completed
goal 2: don't cry during PT
status: not even close
goal 3: be able to bend my knee 90 degrees
status: almost there. they measured me at 86 degrees yesterday, but that's only after the pt pushed me to my extreme limit. my knee is so sore today, i've probably digressed.
goal 4: have full range of motion in my knee
status: not even close. the pt said i have full extension but my muscles aren't strong enough for me to actually extend it on my own. when i try to do it myself, i'm at 10 degrees. bending it... well, i'm working on it (see goal 3).
goal 5: get my right knee down to the same size as my left knee
status: i don't really know what to do with this one. knee is still swollen, but i've been icing it everyday.
goal 6: be able to lift my leg on its own (ie don't use hands or hook my left leg underneath the right to lift it up)
status: yesterday i was at least able to do straight leg raises, although i couldn't lift it high or hold it long. today my knee and muscles are SO sore, i can't do it anymore.
goal 7: have complete, rehabbed knee
status: heh. ask me in a year.
goal 8: convince olivia's dad to get her this as a graduation present as a surprise when she gets back from mozambique/baltimore so that i can play with it all the time
status: im'd with her dad and he said "ok" but i have a feeling he's not taking me too seriously...

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