i'm alive and well...
i'm back from the hospital, alive and well ("...i'm alive and well, your Spirit is within me, because You died and rose again" - one of my favorite worship songs.) i'm super, super groggy, but not nauseous so far, praise God. they doped me up on the same anti-nausea stuff as my second surgery since I told them that was the only thing that has worked on me. so i got the patch behind my ear and four bottles into my IV, and so far, it seems to work well. although surgery was scheduled for 9:30am, i actually didn't go in until a little after 11. left around 3ish, so i don't know if my surgery took longer than expected or it took me forever to wake up. in my previous two surgeries, they shook me awake, so it was a little different waking up naturally. but it looks like the doctor just cleaned out my knee, although i don't know how much was actually in there. they gave me pictures and some videos. anyone want to see the videos? i think i'll stay away from them. want me to upload them? hehehe. maybe someone can tell what's going on in the pics/videos.
i'm pretty mobile, can bear some weight on my knee, although i teeter around since i'm so dizzy. there's still some pain, especially when i try to use my muscles (ie lifting my leg on its own) but obviously nothing compared to my first surgery. hope to shed the crutches by the end of this week. i'm supposed to start on PT tomorrow. tomorrow?? didn't expect that. i need to call and make an appt.
thanks everyone SO much for all your emails, calls, visits, soon-to-be-visits, and prayers. now... on to 24, assuming i can stay awake! YAY!
i'm pretty mobile, can bear some weight on my knee, although i teeter around since i'm so dizzy. there's still some pain, especially when i try to use my muscles (ie lifting my leg on its own) but obviously nothing compared to my first surgery. hope to shed the crutches by the end of this week. i'm supposed to start on PT tomorrow. tomorrow?? didn't expect that. i need to call and make an appt.
thanks everyone SO much for all your emails, calls, visits, soon-to-be-visits, and prayers. now... on to 24, assuming i can stay awake! YAY!
Praise God! Good to hear that everything went okay.
sujenone, at 7:00 PM
It's a good worship song, but I think it will forever be associated in my mind with Jen's "doh!" version. "I'm forsaken..."
IM me when you're done w/ season 4 and I'll see how to get you season 5.
Bob, at 10:23 AM
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