the cutest puppy alive
introducing... shau poo!
anyway, i uploaded more pics. see them all (including more pics of the cutest puppy on earth) on my smugmug. a couple more: Huge rainbow in front of my house one day.
"I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth." Genesis 9:13
saratoga gals at new years eve dinnerjean & shau poo
jenie bops & shau poo... and olivia barely hanging onto shau pi. shau pi is one big puppy.
happy new year! we hit the canaan party after our dinner with high school friends.
olivia. need i say more?
btw, i thought that hat scarf thing was my best find at the store. i would have gotten it except that it was $60. as cool as it is, it's definitely not worth $60!
at jeremy & mandy's farewell, there was tons of food leftover.
but folks, this wasn't all the leftover food. this was the food leftover that bob alone was taking home! i think he was a little hungry. uhhh... or something. ;)guys with jeremy & mandy: once the other guys discovered all the food bob was taking, they all climbed aboard. can you tell which guys are single and which are not? (hint: look at the size of the leftovers they're bringing home ;)
i'm so thankful to God for my cell group. love worshipping with you, love praying with you, love struggling to become more like Christ with you.
ahhh! no one talk about the 24 season premier on their blog, please! i need to catch up. still waiting to start season 4.
finally saw chronicles of narnia with jean, ev and o yestesrday. in general i thought it was good, simply because of the power of the message behind it. as many people have probably mentioned, i couldn't help thinking that it was attempting to be LOTR during the battle scenes (i swear there was an orc in there somewhere), but in the bigger story, those scenes are not all that important anyway. also, when the audience is first introduced to aslan, and everyone including lucy, edmund, susan, and peter bow down before he comes out of his tent, i couldn't help thinking of the verse in Romans (based off of Isaiah): "'As surely as I live', says the Lord, 'every knee will bow before me, every tongue will confess to God.'" can't wait until we see that day :)
by the way, am i the only person working tomorrow? why do i feel like every person and their mother get tomorrow off except for me? :(
hope the 24 premier was better than that :) by the way, every time i hear the 24 music - especially the music they play while showing "the following takes place..." i'm totally reminded of my first right knee surgery. seriously, 24 will forever equate to knee operation to me. (i don't know, it may have to do with the fact that i watched seasons 1-3 in nine days straight after the surgery. ;)
Weird. In these pics, the dog has blue/green eyes, but in the other pics/other angles on your smugmug, has brown eyes. How does that happen?
Bob, at 10:45 AM
hahahaha why does jt's takehome tray look bigger than everyone elses? hahaha
bob is so funny!
Anonymous, at 9:25 PM
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