ramblings of my mind

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

#3, and 5 weird habbits

guess it'll be #3 into my knee. wow. how many people can say they've had 6 surgeries (3 on right knee, one on left knee, one on fourth right toe when i dislocated it, one on my eyes because my eyelashes were growing inward and scarring my cornea) by the time they're 27? :) my poor parents, i must give them a heart attack every time i tell them i'm going to do something somewhat adventerous. i'm thankful that it's nothing more than lots of scar tissue that needs to be cleaned out. at least i know what's wrong, which is more than what my first doctor, who wouldn't even admit anything was wrong with me, could say. and now... NOW i can watch all of season 4 of 24. :) :) :)

so off of this subject and onto another. just for fun, 5 weird habits.

1) i always go to bed lying flat on my back. but somehow, oftentimes, i wake up with my legs folded up and in the air. kind of hard to explain, but maybe these pictures can help. yes, i'm really underneath that blanket :) when i do wake up, both my legs have completely lost their feeling due to lack of blood flow. the curse of being super-flexible.

2) i don't like to showers with my contacts on. i think it started in college when i did NOT want to see the conditions of the shower stalls i was taking showers in. especially since cal had coed bathrooms. ::shudder:: incidentally, since i was in clark kerr, one of the oldest (and hecka far!) dorms, every time someone flushed the toilet, all the water in the shower would turn scalding hot. it eventually became second nature to all of us, that as soon as you heard a flush, to dodge to the side in the shower. it was like a whole dance act. and if you heard a scream, then you knew someone didn't dodge in time.

3) when i'm at work, i like to eat lunch later. usually close to 1pm. there are several reasons:
-the later you go, the fewer hours of work you have after lunch
-i usually have a lot of work in the morning (esp during quarter end) that i need to get done before taking lunch
-our cafeteria is SUPER crowded between 12 and 1. you waste a lot of time in lines. curses of free meals provided by your employer ;)

4) I love watching sports, especially football. okay, maybe this isn't a weird habit (well, maybe girls think it is), and most people know this about me already. but i always get questions about how i became a big football fan. my answer is i'm not so sure - i think i can attribute it to my one of my brothers (he was a huge sports fan in general) and growing up during the niners glory years. heck, even my mom watched the niners with us on sundays after church. (another story: one time i was at the stanford mall with my mom - i think it was when i was at home during a break in college. we ate lunch at a restaurant where there was a woman sitting at the table right next to us. we ate most of our lunch while the woman was just sitting there, when finally a man walked up to her and sat down with her. i didn't notice or look much, but my mom looks over and suddenly whispers to me: "hey... that's jerry rice and his wife!" i turn to look, and sure enough it is. awesome. my mom recognized him first!) another trivia fact: i performed during a halftime show at a niners game in high school.

5) even though i'm a light sleeper, and i have trouble falling asleep anywhere but in my own bed, for some reason i fall asleep during practically every movie i watch. especially if it's rented or we're watching a movie at someone's house. doesn't matter how good the movie is, there's a very high chance you'll catch me snoozing during one point or another. i still can't figure out why that is, but it kind of sucks because i usually miss big plot points of the movie.

okay maybe those weren't so weird. i guess i'm more normal than i thought.

one last thing. HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my roommate! i don't know what i would do without her. when i had my first knee surgery, this was the girl who did everything for me. get stuff for me, bring me food, even help me wash my hair in the sink (since i couldn't take a shower). what a true servant of God. yay!


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