Today as I was driving to work, I saw the hugest rainbow ever. I think I just said that to some people last week when there was a huge rainbow at work, but the one I saw this morning was even bigger. It had the complete arc, from one side to the other, and you could see every distinctive color, from red to purple. As I was driving by the rainbow, I was reminded of God's covenant to Noah after the flood.
As many people know, Alinna & I just moved, but in doing so, we broke our contract at central park with 7 months left on the lease, which basically means we're liable for rent until someone else rents our place and moves in. We notified the managers back in November so that they could start putting our apt back out on the market, to be available at the very end of January. November passed by, and so did half of December, so Alinna and I began resorting to Craigslist, offering people a small amount of money to take our specific apt (since there were several apts of our floor plan available in the complex). The rest of December passed, as did January, with a few people interested, but no takers. We paid rent up to the end of January, and last week, we got a bill from the complex for a HUGE sum (5 digits) to cover rent until our lease ran out. All through this time, I wasn't too worried, as I knew our complex is fairly popular (very nice, and in one of the best locations in the area - heck, joy, maria & byron, and jeremy & mandy all live there now!), and I figured it would eventually be rented out. Alinna and I both just said, pray hard and God will take care of it. But my anxiousness increasingly grew as January came to an end, and especially when we got that huge bill. No one had been responding to our post lately, and we hadn't heard a word from the complex managers. It became a huge burden on both me & alinna, because there is no way we could pay two rents. Since January ended this weekend, alinna swung by the complex yesterday because we needed to do something - pay February rent, and/or talk to the managers. So alinna goes to the leasing office and talks to the assistant manager, and lo and behold, someone had
just rented our apt!
literally "just rented" - the person was walking out as alinna walked in. And even better, the person signed her lease to begin that very same day! Praise God, a huge burden was immediately lifted off both of our shoulders - you couldn't even begin to understand how relieved we both are. It's so crazy how everything happened and it's been quite the ordeal, but it definitely taught me a lesson of trust & faith.
And so when I saw that rainbow this morning, God really reminded me of His faithfulness to His people. Even when we lack the faith in God, He always fulfills His promises to us in His perfect timing.