ramblings of my mind

Wednesday, November 24, 2004

my roommates and i don't check our answering machine often.

so today i decided to.

we had 20 new messages.

the first five were recorded messages telling us their husband/wife is running for some school board/senate position or what propositions we absolutely NEED to vote for.

the next i couldn't hear too clearly except the last line: "the wedding has been called off."

the rest of the 14 messages were blank. NOTHING. not a peep.

i think it's time we chuck that machine. no one calls us on our land line anyway.

oh and, literally - just now - someone called and all i heard was "hello this is so-and-so and we're conducting a survey..." and i hung up on the person. rude, yes, and no, i actually have never done it before (at least i usually wait for them to finish and then say no, actually, i'm not interested in answering your stupid questions or i'm not interested in your dumb product) but after listening to 20 ridiculous answering machines messages (or 6 actual messages and 14 messages of silence) i'm fed up. apparently a lot of people/companies aren't held accountable by the Do Not Call Registry. grrrr remind me to never answer the phone. (haha, actually i usually don't. you can ask alinna what happened this morning.)

Monday, November 22, 2004

wooohooo! go bears, it's so nice to be on the winning side of the rivalry. what a great week - cal won, only three days of work :)

so i was im'ing with peter about how there's a good chance cal can get screwed out of the rose bowl (grrr i won't talk about that now), and after explaining it to him twice, i think he finally understood. then i started complaining about how it would suck that some team like boise st, who does NOT deserve to go to a BCS bowl (they almost lost to san jose st!) could take our spot in the rose bowl. peter's response:

peter: what's worse is their awful uniforms
peter: (ok why do i sound like the girl in this convo?)


Monday, November 15, 2004

eva, ev, o - what are you gals doing this saturday at 3:30 pm? i sure hope it involves a tv, a certain fiance, and NO red!

sisters praying is the best. :)

Thursday, November 11, 2004

we have nothing to drink in our household... i'm so desperate, i actually took out the bottle of 7up Plus and drank it. for those who don't know what that means, you probably haven't tried 7Up Plus. Try it, and then you'll know how desperate i was.

Monday, November 08, 2004

i'm pretty sure i literally sneezed over 100 times today. if you don't believe me, ask any of my coworkers sitting on my floor. i heard some of them say to each other that they should place bets with over/under on how many times I'll sneeze. something must be in the air... and it is not pleasant.

that game on saturday was way much closer than it should have been. can we please fire our special teams unit already? thankfully, still #4 in bcs... still rolling toward a rose bowl for now.

thanks hideyo for taking me off the bcs list. i'm freeeeeeeeeeee

by the way, just looked it up. the guy on Airplane is the same guy who hosted unsolved mysteries. and did you guys know the show was on the air until 2002?? It was on from 1987 to 2002. Wow, I thought it was cancelled back in the 90s.

Monday, November 01, 2004

roll on you bears... #4 in BCS now... couple more top 5 upsets and we could potentially be seeing an sc-cal rematch for the national championship (far-fetched, yes, but wouldn't that be awesome?)

work hasn't quite slowed down the way i expected it to after quarter-end because we're going live with a new system (that our company has been working on since before i joined. seriously. and we're only going live with half of it - the easier half.) always lots of kinks and things to work out when a new system goes live.

george finally brought over the propane for the bbq, and so we christened it with some chickens. unfortunately, we forgot to turn down the flame after turning it up to clean the grill, and well... we ended up with one black chicken. (pic to follow later). it turned out all right, though - just scraped off the carcinogenic stuff, and all better! don't worry, we'll bust it out one more time for the big game. big game party at our place... evite to follow later.

even though work is still busy, it's definitely less stressful, so i've had time to do things i've been neglecting for quite some time. i'm finally getting started up on fellowship duties that i've been pushing out of my mind for a while. got to talk to pdan very briefly on sunday about the upcoming changes and restructuring, and thinking about it all - boy, do i have a lot to do. there are a lot of logistics that need to be taken care of, and still a whole congregation to talk to. prayer is appreciated because i know that change is sometimes difficult for people to accept. but God has really changed the hearts of our members over the past few years, and i've really been encouraged by the support (actually, i was surprised. me, of little faith) and excited to move forward with this training and restructuring. i still have a lot to process, though, before we get to that stage. but january is coming up soon.

one last thing... hideyo - can i request to be taken off your bcs blog? i'm with alinna on this. i'd rather be off the list. thanks :)