Monday, March 29, 2004
has anyone seen the commercial for the new jessica and nick variety show on abc? it looks like the dumbest show ever. DUMB.
i got my oski fixing for the month! got to visit alice, tomio & oski in good ol' sacramento on saturday. in short, we ate a whole lot of food, hung around, visited old sacramento and the capitol, ate some more, then headed back home. oski is his usual crazy energetic self, running around with a nasty old tennis ball (until alice accidentally flung it into the neighbor's yard) and whining when we weren't playing with him.
visiting old sacramento was fun... walked around, watched byron eat too much salt water taffy, walked to "downtown sacramento" which ended up being a mall (upon which, the guys immediately turned around and started walking back to old town, to amy's dismay), and visited the state capitol (no terminator sighting, unfortunately). see andrea's pics here. my pics are of course still TBU.
and if any of you want to be guaranteed a tear-jerker every week, watch extreme makeover. NO not the nasty plastic surgery version, but the home edition. Seriously, they pick the cutest, most deserving families ever to be on the show. it's amazing. this past sunday they basically revamped/remodeled an entire community, from sweet alice's (yes, that's what everyone calls her!) house, to the school where she teaches, to the community basketball court, to even donating mattresses and bedding to all her neighbors! definitely more fun to watch than trading spaces - it's on ABC right before Alias... so you get two great shows in one night! what a deal.
visiting old sacramento was fun... walked around, watched byron eat too much salt water taffy, walked to "downtown sacramento" which ended up being a mall (upon which, the guys immediately turned around and started walking back to old town, to amy's dismay), and visited the state capitol (no terminator sighting, unfortunately). see andrea's pics here. my pics are of course still TBU.
and if any of you want to be guaranteed a tear-jerker every week, watch extreme makeover. NO not the nasty plastic surgery version, but the home edition. Seriously, they pick the cutest, most deserving families ever to be on the show. it's amazing. this past sunday they basically revamped/remodeled an entire community, from sweet alice's (yes, that's what everyone calls her!) house, to the school where she teaches, to the community basketball court, to even donating mattresses and bedding to all her neighbors! definitely more fun to watch than trading spaces - it's on ABC right before Alias... so you get two great shows in one night! what a deal.
Sunday, March 28, 2004
Monday, March 22, 2004
okay, that spider picture scares me, so I need to post so that it's not on top anymore...
got to ride on the back of enoch's motorcycle on saturday night (thanks enoch!)... so much fun! too bad I didn't have my camera to capture the moment, but I think some other ppl did. as fun as it is to ride on the back of a motorcycle, I don't particularly want to get my motorcycle licesnse. Sorry andrews. But when you guys get yours, and become adept at riding, let me know and I'll hop on the back!
woke up at 6:30 am sunday morning for the sj mercury 10k/5k run that our boss had us do... now i'm totally determined to get shoes that fit properly. the arches in my feet cramped up within the first 5 minutes of running and slowed me down considerably. they still hurt pretty badly right now - having high arches can be so painful, especially since almost all and any type of shoe will hurt, especially if i have to stand for a decent amount of time. even shoes that "mold" to your feet like doc martins or birkenstocks don't give me enough support. sigh. if it weren't for the cramping of the feet, the run actually wasn't as bad as i thought it would be.
onto alias... it's about time lauren's double agent identity is finally revealed, so i hope it happens soon. good for jack on picking up that last line lauren said to vaughn. maybe he'll be the one to reveal her as the mole. can't believe i'm rooting for sloane, only because right now lauren appears more evil. but who knows, i bet sloane will come back to bite everyone in the butt and do something so evil that you wish dixon killed him in this episode. do you think the writers of the show knew when they wrote lauren into the show that she'd be a double agent? or do you think they changed it later? kinda like how they toally changed the entire premise of the show for that superbowl episode last year. (was that last year? seemed so long ago...)
got to ride on the back of enoch's motorcycle on saturday night (thanks enoch!)... so much fun! too bad I didn't have my camera to capture the moment, but I think some other ppl did. as fun as it is to ride on the back of a motorcycle, I don't particularly want to get my motorcycle licesnse. Sorry andrews. But when you guys get yours, and become adept at riding, let me know and I'll hop on the back!
woke up at 6:30 am sunday morning for the sj mercury 10k/5k run that our boss had us do... now i'm totally determined to get shoes that fit properly. the arches in my feet cramped up within the first 5 minutes of running and slowed me down considerably. they still hurt pretty badly right now - having high arches can be so painful, especially since almost all and any type of shoe will hurt, especially if i have to stand for a decent amount of time. even shoes that "mold" to your feet like doc martins or birkenstocks don't give me enough support. sigh. if it weren't for the cramping of the feet, the run actually wasn't as bad as i thought it would be.
onto alias... it's about time lauren's double agent identity is finally revealed, so i hope it happens soon. good for jack on picking up that last line lauren said to vaughn. maybe he'll be the one to reveal her as the mole. can't believe i'm rooting for sloane, only because right now lauren appears more evil. but who knows, i bet sloane will come back to bite everyone in the butt and do something so evil that you wish dixon killed him in this episode. do you think the writers of the show knew when they wrote lauren into the show that she'd be a double agent? or do you think they changed it later? kinda like how they toally changed the entire premise of the show for that superbowl episode last year. (was that last year? seemed so long ago...)
Wednesday, March 17, 2004
I came home from a long day at work today... to an empty house... well... almost empty. Except for the fact that the freaking largest spider I have ever seen in my life was there to greet me!! Seriously, words cannot even do justice. I took a picture of it - I actually made the effort to upload this one picture to prove I'm not exaggerating (and no, I didn't upload the rest of my pics). The thing was too big to even suck it with our vacuum cleaner! So I left it alone for a few minutes, only to go back into our kitchen and find it missing from its spot! From that point on I locked myself in my room, until jenie came home, and we started searching for the thing - jenie poking around at arm's length with a broomstick, and me armed with the vacuum again to try to at least squish it in case it scampered around near us. Seriously, put yourself in my spot - what would you do if this freaky huge spider was roaming loose in your house? But, praise the Lord, we found it in between our screen door and sliding glass door, so we just opened the sliding door and closed the screen door and I think the thing scampered away to its freedom. Seriously, it could have been anywhere in our house, but it decided to crawl into the space between the two doors. Thank You, God.
And Andrew Hyun, you don't help things by laughing endlessly at my demise, telling me it'll crawl onto my face while i'm sleeping, or suggesting that we saw the baby and there's a bigger daddy in our house somewhere. I'm going to capture the thing and put it in your hair when you're not looking!
And now, for your viewing pleasure, the star of this post, FREAKYSPIDER! Props to anyone who can identify what kind of spider decided to bless us with its presence tonight.
Thanks to Andrea for hosting my pic :)
And Andrew Hyun, you don't help things by laughing endlessly at my demise, telling me it'll crawl onto my face while i'm sleeping, or suggesting that we saw the baby and there's a bigger daddy in our house somewhere. I'm going to capture the thing and put it in your hair when you're not looking!
And now, for your viewing pleasure, the star of this post, FREAKYSPIDER! Props to anyone who can identify what kind of spider decided to bless us with its presence tonight.

Thanks to Andrea for hosting my pic :)
Saturday, March 13, 2004
MAN. of ALL weekends I had to be sick, it had to be this one. It had to be the one friday where Mike proposed to Amy at church!! Ack! Congrats to them!! All my former dwight way college roommates (well, all two of them - eva and amy) are now engaged (unless you count olivia, my roommate for one summer) It's only March... how many more engaged friends will I have by the end of the year?
Friday, March 12, 2004
Gas is getting ridiculously expensive. It's costing me closer and closer to $50 to fill (granted, my car holds 19 or 20 gallons, but it's also a big fat gas-guzzling tank that causes me to fill up almost every two weeks). I think I'm going to have to make a trip to Iraq and bring back some gas for myself. anyone want to come with me?
Sunday, March 07, 2004
yup, i'm quite lazy. still haven't uploaded pictures, and now i have even more to upload. but hey, at least i'm better than bob, who hasn't uploaded his pics from like the past TWO YEARS. (hint hint).
the weekend was quite packed, from jeremy & mandy's rehersal dinner & fnl fri night, to the wedding (pics TBU - my new acronym, to be uploaded) sat morning & afternoon, straight home to find out that our entire city had no electricty, straight to dinner for my bday (always good to have dinner with the gals - ev came down and jean was in town :), and back home just in time for a dessert party for my bday. thankfully the power turned back on right before we got home from dinner & ppl came over. it was a dessert heaven at our place (mango with sweet sticky rice, 4 tubs of ice cream, 2 boxes of melon bars, a chocolate cherry pie (which unfortunately went to waste when i tried to bring it to church today, but hit a wall as i turned a corner, and saw the whole thing fly onto the floor face down. so typical me. sigh.), lemon cheesecake, tiramisu, coffee cakes, chocolate, popcorn, macaroons, fruit, donuts, and more!), and since joseph was in town we celebrated his bday too. The best was when I assigned him the majority (i think 9 out of 12?) of candles to blow out, and he managed to blow them all out in one breath, while i managed to only blow out 1 out of 3 of my candles. later that night, byron & bob uncovered jenie's guitar, as they gawked again over how she got a taylor 510 for free. i must say, the guitar sounded awesome once byron replaced the strings. before the strings were replaced... eh that's another story. but to quote byron, "dare i say it? i think this guitar might sound better than my martin!"
so what'd i do on my actual birthday? it was the perfect california day today, 77 degrees and sunny. so of course, i went home after church... and took a nap for the entire afternoon :) the best way to spend my birthday. that AND there was a new alias! what more could a birthday girl ask for? :) i hope they get rid of lauren soon... she HAS to go.
pics from the ski trip, the wedding, and my bday TBU. geo's pics from my bday are here. if you look through 'em all, you'll see a certain someone's bling bling. ;)
the weekend was quite packed, from jeremy & mandy's rehersal dinner & fnl fri night, to the wedding (pics TBU - my new acronym, to be uploaded) sat morning & afternoon, straight home to find out that our entire city had no electricty, straight to dinner for my bday (always good to have dinner with the gals - ev came down and jean was in town :), and back home just in time for a dessert party for my bday. thankfully the power turned back on right before we got home from dinner & ppl came over. it was a dessert heaven at our place (mango with sweet sticky rice, 4 tubs of ice cream, 2 boxes of melon bars, a chocolate cherry pie (which unfortunately went to waste when i tried to bring it to church today, but hit a wall as i turned a corner, and saw the whole thing fly onto the floor face down. so typical me. sigh.), lemon cheesecake, tiramisu, coffee cakes, chocolate, popcorn, macaroons, fruit, donuts, and more!), and since joseph was in town we celebrated his bday too. The best was when I assigned him the majority (i think 9 out of 12?) of candles to blow out, and he managed to blow them all out in one breath, while i managed to only blow out 1 out of 3 of my candles. later that night, byron & bob uncovered jenie's guitar, as they gawked again over how she got a taylor 510 for free. i must say, the guitar sounded awesome once byron replaced the strings. before the strings were replaced... eh that's another story. but to quote byron, "dare i say it? i think this guitar might sound better than my martin!"
so what'd i do on my actual birthday? it was the perfect california day today, 77 degrees and sunny. so of course, i went home after church... and took a nap for the entire afternoon :) the best way to spend my birthday. that AND there was a new alias! what more could a birthday girl ask for? :) i hope they get rid of lauren soon... she HAS to go.
pics from the ski trip, the wedding, and my bday TBU. geo's pics from my bday are here. if you look through 'em all, you'll see a certain someone's bling bling. ;)
Thursday, March 04, 2004
I have a knack for hanging up on jean. Our conversation today:
me: okay, i'll see you tonight!
jean: okay!... OH...
hahaha that "click" was me. oops. at least this time i called her back!
btw - alias party at our place - 9pm, on the big screen! woohoo! all are welcome (well only those who watch alias. no talking or asking questions allowed during the show).
me: okay, i'll see you tonight!
jean: okay!... OH...
hahaha that "click" was me. oops. at least this time i called her back!
btw - alias party at our place - 9pm, on the big screen! woohoo! all are welcome (well only those who watch alias. no talking or asking questions allowed during the show).
Tuesday, March 02, 2004
alex caught red-handed:
what a troublemaker. picture courtesy of andrew ng :)
luckily, most people aren't as lazy as me, and have already uploaded their pictures. check them out:
andrea's pics
george's pics
ang's pics
arex's pics

what a troublemaker. picture courtesy of andrew ng :)
luckily, most people aren't as lazy as me, and have already uploaded their pictures. check them out:
andrea's pics
george's pics
ang's pics
arex's pics
Monday, March 01, 2004
Big congrats to eva, my newest engaged friend! :) And she finished her boards. What a week for her! ;) too bad that means she has to stay in baltimore for another year :( guess we didn't impress eric enough when he visited california for the first time... at least we proved to him not ALL californians walk around in their swimsuits all day.
It was the perfect weekend to go to Tahoe... and now I regret not skiing instead of snowshoeing. oh well. Perfect powder snow, and sunny & warm! The snowshoers had quite the snowball fight, complete with forts and everything. Too bad the guys cheated (and bob was throwing vicious hardballs, pelting & bruising the girls instead of hitting the snowman, the supposed target!), and I got tackled by andrew wu and ended up on the bottom of like a 5 person dog-pile! people didn't even notice I was there because the guys (I can't even tell who because my face was shoved in the snow the entire time) covered me with so much snow. seriously, andrew has no qualms about tackling a girl. Our cabin was NICE too, although unfortunately the indoor jacuzzi was broken. Pics and more will be uploaded/updated later. work is going to be crazy these next two weeks. sigh.
It was the perfect weekend to go to Tahoe... and now I regret not skiing instead of snowshoeing. oh well. Perfect powder snow, and sunny & warm! The snowshoers had quite the snowball fight, complete with forts and everything. Too bad the guys cheated (and bob was throwing vicious hardballs, pelting & bruising the girls instead of hitting the snowman, the supposed target!), and I got tackled by andrew wu and ended up on the bottom of like a 5 person dog-pile! people didn't even notice I was there because the guys (I can't even tell who because my face was shoved in the snow the entire time) covered me with so much snow. seriously, andrew has no qualms about tackling a girl. Our cabin was NICE too, although unfortunately the indoor jacuzzi was broken. Pics and more will be uploaded/updated later. work is going to be crazy these next two weeks. sigh.