ramblings of my mind

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

what you could own if you didn't live in California...

thought these slideshows were interesting. we gotta go move to the midwest or something. dang!

what $300k could buy you...

what $650k could buy you...

what $1M could buy you...

Sunday, November 27, 2005

can't believe the long weekend is already over, but i'm thankful for the extra time off. weekend recap:

-wed night, worked out with o until i started breaking out in hives everywhere, came home, and then we randomly drove around downtown san jose & los gatos before coming home & falling asleep to ocean's 11.

-thurs, went to watch turkey bowl (NO, i did not play. i don't think people were amused by my suggestion of letting me play & creating a rule that every time i touched the football, no one on the other team could touch me). threw around the football enough to wake up with a sore arm & shoulder the next morning. went home after lunch, hung out with my family, and then went out to eat (since we didn't have thanksgiving with my extended family this year, my mom didn't want to cook so we went out instead).

-fri, helped alinna pack. pack, pack, and more pack. and then moved, moved, and more moved. that's where the sore arm and shoulder was not helpful. created a big big mess in our house in the process. then discovered that jenie and i suddenly had a whole lot more space - especially closet space & kitchen cabinet space in our house. went to bed at 10pm for the second night in the row out of pure exhaustion.

-sat, went to worship practice, tried to clean up some of our mess but wasn't too successful, hung out with ev for a little bit, then somehow got coerced to go watch the shining at mike's place. i am not a fan of scary movies, so i wasn't too fond of the idea of watching the shining, as much of a classic it is. it was okay, but i am still not a fan of scary movies. no more please. :)

-today, had consistory after service, came home... and cleaned again. at the very least, al's move forced us to do the spring cleaning that never happened. it's not only a cleaning process but trying to figure out where to move all our furniture, rearrange all our stuff in the cabinets, figure out what to do with the empty room & closets, etc.

also somehow through this weekend, i have accumulated a variety of bruises and cuts all over my body.

also decided not to watch 24 season 4 until i figure out what's going on with my knee. but hopefully all the time spent at the gym will result in no need for another 24 hour marathon on my couch like with seasons 1-3.

thankful for lots of things, but most importantly, thankful for freedom in Christ. it's exhilarating, no?

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

fourth time's a charm

to make a long story short... today was our fourth visit to 24 hr... and olivia and i are finally members! we got a very good deal, much better than what swarmy jon was trying to wheel and deal us last week, and this guy was much nicer. of course it's at a different site (a much smaller one) but it's way cheaper and has everything that we need. and it's much cleaner, less crowded and much less icky-feeling than the other one. and closer :)

on saturday, had the opportunity to watch our very own deanie baby & julia get married! al & ev did a great job decorating the cake, and we even got to run to the bar every once in a while to catch cal trounce stanfurd in the big game. weddings are always a big reunion, and this was no different from any other - it was good to see everyone, and finally got to see mel & jason since they got engaged. i'll upload pictures later.

Friday, November 18, 2005

roll on you...


even though i'll be at a wedding with several other cal fans tomorrow, we'll be there in spirit. someone text message me updates! the game starts at the exact same time as the wedding. and... maybe it wouldn't be so hot if the coordinator just took off to go watch the game in the middle of the wedding, right?

hopefully this will give some life to the team. levy isn't so great, but at this point... anything is better than ayoob. i really hope i don't have to eat those words after the big game.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005


if you obviously couldn't tell, i gave my blog a facelift. the main reason i changed templates was because my old template couldn't incorporate any of blogger's newer functions... even post titles or their comments (which i enabled so reni can finally post comments again instead of commenting through bob's blog or emailing me). took me a while to figure out how to change things since the template was written in a different code or something. i basically don't know anything about web pages, so i just sat there and tried to change colors, fonts, sizes, links, etc by trial & error and by reasoning. but now everything works.

still haven't joined 24 hour. and after reading some of the comments off the link ang provided below, i'm not so sure i want to join. i just need a place where i can go do PT for the next two months for a cheap price. and somewhere nearby. shoot, at the rate i'm going, it'll be like one month. i don't need a trainer, i don't need fancy machines and swimming pools and classes, i don't need a three-year membership for $1000, just give me a bike, a precor, maybe the stairmaster, and some of the leg machines and i'm good to go. anyone have good suggestions?

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

weekend adventures

weekend full of spending time with the girls. always fun. and always lots of food. :)

fri night, ate at fusion korea with alice & tomio. alice has a tummy! she's going to be a mommy. weird. went to tanto saturday night with o jean & jenie. YUM. i cannot get enough of that place. actually, we tried to eat at a different japanese restaurant called gochi, that serves japanese tapas, and is super close to my place (within walking distance). apparently very popular, and had a 40 minute wait (we even ran into a high school friend there), so we decided to go to tanto instead. but i definitely want to try this other place sometime soon. didn't quite make it to santana row since we finished dinner pretty late, so we went back home and ate mint chocolate cookie for dessert instead while watching episode 3 for the first time. double yum. my new favorite ben & jerry's ice cream.

sunday, being the bad members that we are, o, jean and i skipped sunday school since jean was leaving on sunday to go back to LA. we couldn't decide between in'n'out or mi pueblo for lunch, but eventually decided to go for the mexican. tacos in a park with the girls. what more can you ask for :) crafted our way through the afternoon before i took off for cell group at janet & john's, where, thanks to gourment chef john, we ate an indian feast, all prepared by him by taste. listened to tim keller's third of three series on "work" and discovered that he really likes to use the same analogies. REM sleep and Chariots of Fire. our cell group determined that apparently God really wants us to watch Chariots of Fire since that's all we've been hearing about for the past three weeks. so we're going to do it :)

o and i tried to join 24 hour yesterday. besides running into ang, we got a jerk for a salesman who tried to hook us up with a "deal" which ended up not being a deal, but their regular advertised special. refused to budge or negotiate with us, so we walked out. we'll go back today, ask for someone NOT named jon, and give this other person our commission instead.

alinna is moving out next weekend... i can't believe it's so soon. it's totally weird to me since she's been my longest roommate ever, and we've lived together most of our post-college years. there are so many memories, from when she punched me in the face and gave me a bloody nose the first week we moved in together, to getting a workout trying to clean and scrub the plastic "tiles" in our bathroom at central park, to christmas-gift factories, to playing chucky-chucky when we moved from central park to the duplex, going through the highs and lows of life, watching the drama of my roommate and old college friend hooking it up and now getting married, playing scrabble every night like old ladies... and so much more. and now our house is full of boxes as we begin the painful "divorce" which it really feels like since al, jenie and i have to figure out what belongs to who. ("who's ever after is this?" "mine" "no i have a copy too" "wait me too" "well, who's copy is THIS one?" blank stares.)

three cheers for al. at least she's just moving a block up and over. come over for laundry anytime. and feel free to cook for us while you're at it :)

Saturday, November 12, 2005

AYOOB!!! >:( that's all i can say about the game.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

finally got around to uploading pics again!

two weekends ago, we celebrated joy's & chris' bday in great hot-dog style.



the guys got a little hungry:

and o will probably kill me, but her lovely fiance:

and cutie pie grace in her fish costume for halloween:

this past weekend, reni & family came up to visit and celebrate canaan's 25th anniversary. beth is so cute!

reni with beth:

beth was obssessed with watching the guys at the counter make the burritos. she has good taste :)

for all the pics, check my smugmug!
joy & chris bday

haung family visits

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

uh oh. it has begun. now i hafta be careful what i blog about. :)

our company gives us $25 every quarter at our gear store. anyone who knows & sees me knows that i'm already a poster child for nvidia, not because i'm proud to wear the clothes around and use the mugs, blankets, and other nvidia gear i have, but simply because i have SO much of it. well, because of that, i hadn't bought anything in a while, and now i have accumulated $250 in credit. so i need your help.

what should i get?

and no, i don't want a huge neon clock in my house.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

highlights at the 2chiusong household on halloween (btw, not many kids came by, just like last year. sad. and i have learned to not hold out the basket for kids to grab candy because some of them grab as much as their little fists can hold).

before dinner:
alinna: who's eating the cornbread muffins? who ate one before dinner??
mary (mouth full of the muffins, in a very muffled, innocent tone): not me!

during speed scrabble:
olivia (looking at my crossword and whispering to jenie): what's B-U-Y?
jenie (misunderstanding olivia, thinking she said B-U-I): i dunno
olivia (now to everyone out loud, but to me in particular): what's B-U-Y?
me (and everyone else in disbelief): ummm BUY!

during taboo:
me: (word: rodeo) these take place in texas...
jeremy: executions!

jenie: (word: blackmail) ____ & white
ev: black!
jenie: right. and the thing that was broken outside our house that we had to fix
forgot who: mailbox!
jenie: right... put the two words together!
ev: black & white mailbox!

me: (word: taxes) the month after march
jer: february! (everyone starts laughing)
jer: oops... april!
me: yes, and on the fifteenth, these are due.
sharon: valentines day!

alinna: (word: girl scouts) small women!
(lots of confused shouting from me, jer, and sharon)
alinna: ahh! in green! small women in green!
(more confused shouting)
alinna: small women in green! outside stores!
(everyone completely confused now, including the other team)
ev (who's not even on our team): small green women's club!
alinna: THIN MINTS!

me: (word: squeegee) oh! oh! irving! (looks at my team of jer & sharon) D'OH!
olivia: i'm guessing too!
me: (forgetting that olivia was guessing on both teams) oh yeah! irving! shower!
olivia: SQUEEGEE!

thanks to everyone for a household of food and fun! :)

ps. as i thought, not much from the second opinion. doctor says its scar tissue and to give it a couple more months to see if it will improve. he also said my insurance was ridiculous for not extending pt coverage for me. i agree! :)